Evangelist Toyin Banjo

EVANG. TOYIN BANJO is the Europe zone Coordinator of Royal Ladies International, a nongovernmental, nondenominational body pioneered by Reverend Folake Achudume for purposes of giving female ministers ladders to climb up to higher levels in all spheres of life. Our team interacted with Banjo. Her words are captivating and genuine, as published here:

You were close to RFA. What exactly RFA represents in your life and ministry?

RFA was my mother, in fact she addresses me as her first daughter, and never ceases to tell everyone I was her first born and daughter. RFA was my midwife, she stood in the gap during my labour period of my two biological sons, she was the one who named them and dedicated both of them to the Lord. She was my mentor, I never stopped learning from her, and she never stopped pouring into my life. She was my prayer partner, RFA will pray with me during my difficult times and she will not stop until she sees result. RFA was my marriage counsellor, she made sure I never fight the battles I encountered in my marriage. RFA was my confidant, she never discussed any of my sensitive matter with anyone; she opened her heart to any discussion and never judged me with it.

What are your recollections of those most intense and inspiring encounters with RFA?
If I must say, my inspiring encounters with RFA are uncountable, but I will never forget the day I informed her I wanted to resign from my well paid NHS job and she prayed with me, released me to go ahead even when my husband was not comfortable with it. I faced a lot of challenges along the line and I almost gave up. One day she was returning to Nigeria after a great ministration in the UK, she called me and said, daughter you cannot be by the brook of water where it is flowing and you are not drinking from it.
She took her anointing oil and dipped her hand in her bag and brought out pounds, she didn’t count it and she put on my both hands, poured the oil on my head and on my hands. She prayed for me, that from that day, the money she put in my hands would be the least I will have in my bag to spend.

She decreed a total turn around in my business, prophesied that by the time she returns back to UK, my business will not be the same again. I cried that day like a baby, (as I am crying now while giving out this testimony). That was the end of struggling in my business. I cried that I never wanted to take the money from her because I was to bless her with money and that was the money people gave her but she put it in my hands and prayed; the money was well over £500. This encounter will forever live with me all my life. Today, my business is paving way in the UK

As Europe coordinator of Royal Ladies Int’l, how will the work continue without RFA?
The work will continue without RFA because she has made herself a seed for the work to continue, she has passed on the baton and I as a person learnt from her. Seed grows and I believe we are going to grow and do greater exploits that will impact our generation. And because RFA lives in our heart, the work cannot die, it will continue with the Lord helping us.

Ima Nkanta

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Wed Dec 4 , 2024
TOBI ACHUDUME is the daughter of Reverend Folake Achudume. She is a young leader on the international scene and has lived and worked with her mom for years. The thought of separation wasn’t anything to ever imagined. Until lately, she has enjoyed the soft, soothing voice of the mom, each […]

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