Life sometimes is like a comic relief. Every good-hearted person has his or her moment of comedy relief, where laughter replaces forlornness, and softly eases out anxiety. A slogan has it that, “Where there’s laughter, there’s hope” and “Comic Relief—it’s no joke.” I got into a brief conversation with Pastor David Achudume about his fond memories of his mom; his response helped eased out my burden of deadline.
Here is what he said; “We watched comedy shows together, we laughed together, we gist a lot. All those moments are moments I can never forget. When I watched some of those comedies today, I just remember her smile and laughter.” This is just a curtain – raiser. And next comes…
“We had so many of those moments. I remember every Sunday when we go to church (I was always driving her to church), always, she must make one observation or the other either about something in my driving, either I’m too fast or I’m too slow, it’s always so funny; then we’ll start arguing in the car like husband and wife (laughing). These memories I can never forget.” Wow! I don’t know what’s your fond memories of your departed loved ones are but Pastor David has taught me in one sentence that very little things in life matter most.
Vunela says: “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realise they were the big things.” David, the mommy’s boy was closer to RFA and he’s happy Reverend Folake Achudume is having happy that her laboured was a seed planted yesterday in her children for a harvest today. David believes he’ll run with the baton her mom handed over.
“As long as I live, she lives. Everything thing I do ministry-wise is part of her legacy. I know she’s watching from heaven with a smile on her face as her children keep doing what she trained us to do.”
“ She has become a seed in us that shall keep growing. My mother laboured so much for the kingdom of God and now we have entered into the harvest season, and her fruits will surely speak.”

Expatriating, he said: “She invested so much in us, her legacy can never die. I wish she was still with us but God knows best, I miss her everyday. Sometimes it’s still like a dream to me.”
Yes, really RFA’s transition is still like a dream to many. What else will you say when you flip a social media page and her clip pops up showing her vivacious self and there she is, preaching with power, and the aura of felt presence refreshes your spirit? She lives!
Can there ever be a replica of RFA? David thinks it’s possible with God. His words: “Well, as long as I have the Spirit of God, I have access to the gifts of the Spirit. I’m her son so I can say that there are traits of her in my character and presentation as a pastor.”