Dreaming isn’t a problem for many but the promptness of actions that deploys energies towards crystalizing your dream. There has been many book titles with screaming headlines urging people to dream big. If dreaming big is synonymous to making it big in whatever field of endeavour one panders to, then everyone will be a millionaire.
There was a television soap opera, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? It was anchored by Frank Edoho. At a point the programme reached its apogee as the most viewed sponsored TV entertainment that made sense, as it connected with young aspiring populace, stimulating their knack for information acquisition on a wide range of subjects. In spite of it’s wide audience, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, like a pack of cards crashed and it is now defunct.
But the programme was a big dream, it startled the mental productivity of young people and adults, yet I haven’t seen a single person it made a millionaire. So, success is more than dreaming and talking; it takes prompt planned actions that engage your energies in the direction of your interest, goal or vision.
There’s one word you take note of if you want to turn your dreams into reality; that word is prompt; it connotes immediate action.
Merriam Webster says prompt is “to move to action,” to incite a cause; it connotes one ” being ready and quick to act as occasion demands.” So, if you’re dreaming big, be also alacritous about your big dreams, as Charles Dickens submitted that, “Never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.” Another iconic reasoning describes procrastination as “opportunity assassin.”
And truly that’s what it is!
In the world of billions of people, you’re not the only one dreaming that big dream. As you’ve received grace to initiate an idea, also receive grace to initiate action towards making your dream real. Delay is dangerous, as there are others on the same spiritual wavelength with you – equally receiving hundreds of ideas. The difference is in what you’re doing with yours.
Habakkuk 2:2 says, “And the Lord gave me an answer, and said, Put the vision in writing and make it clear on stones, so that the reader may go quickly.” BBE

Act on your dream early! No idea is stupid until it is properly gauged or analyzed. Why God instructed that Habakkuk put down the dream on paper is for clarity, so that it be acted upon promptly for results.
Bishop David Oyedepo’s success key is his ability to be prompt about what he hears from the Lord.
Same is associated with those who have made success of their dreams.
In a workplace, not just acting on the instruction of the team leader is important but when is what helps the team accomplishes goals.
What actually kills a big dream is not an external factor that you cannot control like climatic condition or an act of nature but internal assassin called procrastination. It’s the enemy within that if you don’t kill, it will kill the dream and the dreamer.
Procrastination is feet dragging-feet; and it will ultimately drag you backward slowly – this why it’s made up of five syllables pro-cra-sti-na-tion.
It’s a wicked bug that makes you feel good while it’s sucking your blood dry till you drop dead.
Do you know that many people have great dreams or ideas that would have changed their lives but procrastination chokes and suffocates them?
What’s procrastination? It is to delay for a later time tasks that ought to have been done. It is a habitual way of doing something late or putting it out for another time. It is a disease attacking successful accomplishment of goals. Every goal is time-bound.
Procrastination thrives on excuse, “not to do it now till later or tomorrow.”
Let me conclude with these research reports on danger of procrastination.
Mental health issues:
Procrastination can lead to depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues.
Physical health issues:
Procrastination can lead to physical health issues such as poor sleep quality, physical inactivity, and disabling arm pain.
Financial issues:
Procrastination can lead to financial issues such as lower salaries, shorter employment durations, and a higher likelihood of being unemployed or under-employed.
Academic performance: Procrastination can lead to lowered academic performance.
Job performance:
Procrastination can impact job performance.
Poor time management: Procrastination can lead to poor time management, resulting in missed deadlines and a decline in productivity.