Establishing Christ’s Kingdom System of Governance on Earth; A Viable Alternative To Democracy
This is certainly not talking about the millennial reign of Christ on earth, this is rather the Christ kingdom’s system of ruling in the present world affairs where kingdom principles are consciously implemented in all spheres of life by believers who are empowered by knowledge of Christ leadership philosophy.
Archbishop Dr. Joseph Alexander is the Presiding Chancellor of the University of Christocracy, USA and founder of New Covenant Christian Church in New York, with affiliate Churches, networking across the globe with the message of hope, love and faith in Christ Jesus. But despite his successful apostolic ministry, he discovered he wasn’t satisfied just preaching and winning souls. It was then the imperative of raising Kingdom-minded people to reign in all spheres of life on earth as Kings and Priests – who’ll solve the world’s problems of hunger, diseases, poverty and ignorance, was planted on his heart. 25 years ago. His quest resulted in CHRISTOCRACY – a Kingdom mandate for Christ-centric Governance on earth. IMA NKANTA spoke with Archbishop Dr. Alexander when he visited to dedicate a food factory in Abak, Akwa Ibom State last October; and shares here his thoughts on Christocracy.

In the fall of 1996, I was invited to be a graduation speaker of a major seminary in the United States, where about 275 were graduating as theologians, pastors and leaders in churches. As I was about to leave for the program, the Lord whispered the word into my heart – Christocracy.
The concept of Christocracy – Christ and the Government or the Government of Christ. This is different from Democracy. I began then to understand Christ’s Government.
And on that particular graduation day, as the guest speaker, I introduced to them what was fresh in my mind – Christocracy – Christ’s kingdom and Christ’s government. The key revelation is in the book of Matthew 16 where Jesus asked his disciples who do men say that he was and Peter answered that he was the Christ, the son of the living God.
And by the grace of God and my theological training, my experience both in governance and economics, we started sharing the revelation, as the Holy Spirit started to minister to me. Christocracy Christ’s Government was already revealed in Christ. Jesus Christ was not just a messianic king, but he came to set up a kingdom.
He said, upon this revelation, I’m going to build my church. And I began to examine what Jesus was attempting to build, because the synagogue was the embryonic church. But Jesus now said, ‘I’m going to build my own church,’ not the synagogue of the Jews, but his own church, the Ecclesia – the called out ones who will lead the kingdom.
One of the most misunderstood principles of the scripture is the principle of Ecclesia, or the church – the body of Christ which is what carries out the governance of Christ. The church fathers did not understand the fullness of this, which was why Jesus said, when the Holy Spirit comes, he will teach us all things, and he will take from him and teach us.
So every believer is a part of that body, which Jesus uses to establish or advance his kingdom, or his rule, or his dominion, or his government on earth – this is Christocracy. A Christocrat understands that the kingdom has been restored, the kingdom belongs to God, but he or she has been entrusted to establish their rule, to break away the chains of the enemy and to restore people to a place of victory in Christ Jesus, in order to deal with all the havocs, destructive plots of Satan, who is no longer in charge, but a Christocrat – a true believer in Jesus who represents the kingdom – is now in charge!
It is very critical that this concept of Christ be understood because it is then that we will bring this world to a place that God intended before Jesus returns finally to settle all things. Our Lord Jesus is appointing people like you and I to execute the mandate of his kingdom.
As a Christocrat, it means we are not only going to govern within the church, we are to rule the marketplace as well. How do we achieve this?
People ask me all over the world; how can this be? How is it going to happen? Part of the teachings of Christocracy is that government demands resources and people. And in order for this government to take place, there must be a consistent creation of necessary resources. In Deuteronomy 8:18, God said, ‘I’m the one that gives you strength to create wealth. The reason that you must create wealth is that I’ll use your wealth to establish my covenant all over the earth. So a Christocrat must not miss the fact that you are a wealth creator.
Everything that we need to govern, all the resources in the earth, is available to multiply and increase for the purpose of establishing Christocracy. In every continent, there are resources God has provided, we must develop and convert theses resources into wealth, material things, that enables governance to take place. Governance takes place through resources.
Church is the superstructure for the governance. The church must be interested, both in spiritual and governance. You cannot do this in a state of poverty or begging. Everything that God needed for the governance to take place is in this world. It’s not going to come from heaven; it’s through your lifestyle, your skills, your work, your learning, your knowledge that you’re going to create wealth in the world.
Whether the liquid gold on the ground, or the birds that fly, or the ocean that carries oil, everything that is necessary, we must be actively involved. We call that actualization of Christiocracy, to make it actual, based on what the Scripture has revealed. So believers need to be trained to understand this, because we’ve been brainwashed to think that ‘we are pilgrims just passing by, that wealth is not a part of the Church’.
No, Jesus made us kings and priests for himself in the world! A king cannot be poor. We’ve been misled to emphasizing only the priestly duty, leaving out the kingly duty, and as a consequent the world has capitalized on it; all kinds of religion are capitalizing it – to make the Church weak. But as Christocrats, we are to change this narrative. We are in business, not just to make profit for ourselves, but to solve the world’s greatest problem of hunger, poverty and ignorance. That is when people will see the evidence of the kingdom of God in us and give honour to God.