FEYI is last daughter of RFA. In this piece, she shares her vivid recollections of her relationship with her mom.

The first thing I’ll remember my mum for is her love, my mum was a lover. A lover of God, of people and of her family in particular. She could go any length for us regardless of how inconvenient it may be. My mum loved and served God with everything she had and knew, She loved His people deeply, knowing she had been ordained as a priest over them, committed to ensuring they did not fail in their destiny.
Secondly, her strength and tenacity. My mum was strong. She could wear different caps at the same time and succeed in all. She never got sick, when she’s tired she would just rest and then she’s at it the next day. She poured her heart into every vision, her spiritual children, her husband, and us, her own children. None of us ever felt neglected or lacking in her attention or love.

Thirdly, her drive or focus towards God’s purpose for her life. My mum ran her race well, and I’m certain God is super proud of her. She wasn’t distracted, she was tireless. She embraced the vision with unwavering faith, knowing it couldn’t fail because her trust in God was absolute.” She didn’t need to have all the answers, as long as she got a GO from God she would run with it and ensure it comes to pass.
How much influence did her messages have on you?

A lot of influence. My mum’s ministry is part of what shaped my passion and love for God. I would always have to serve, help out with organisation which moulded and birthed some soft skills I have, like organisational skills, communication skills, writing skills and public speaking.

Her ministry also grew my depth and love for God. I received great insight to who God is and understanding of purpose. One of my mum’s greatest cry is that we don’t fail in destiny, meaning you have to find God, know Him so He’s able to direct your path and show you the way He desires you to go. Her life was a testament to how God leads and guides people toward their destiny and God has a purpose for every person, He is counting on us to succeed in fulfilling the calling He has placed on our lives.

How will you ensure her values are sustained?
By living the life God has ordained for me even before I was born. By ensuring I represent her in character, deeds and works everywhere I find myself.

I will also teach and mentor people towards seeking the face of God and achieving purpose. Raising a generation, an army ready to stand and live for God.

By God’s Grace, my family will ensure that her ministries continue to impact lives around the world, preserving her name and legacy for generations to come.

I will live an exemplary life and speak of her at every opportunity I have. Just as she represented God in her ministry, career, and every aspect of her life, I will do the same in fulfilling the calling the Lord has placed on my life.”

Ima Nkanta

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Wed Dec 4 , 2024
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