By Ngoka Ijeoma Lesley Rev. Fola Achudume was a vibrant woman of God, with a profound passion and burden to see women, irrespective of age or social standing, step into their God-ordained destinies and make significant impacts in their spheres of influence. Her life’s work was driven by a vision […]

“The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved, women who live bravely, both tender and fierce, women of indomitable will.” -Amy Tenney She was audacious, bold and loving. Oluwafolake Lawrence Achudume was a genuine woman of strong faith, courage and […]

“Like a lioness, let your presence be felt andyour roar be heard.” One of the amazing features of a lioness is her unique ways of communication within her territorial sphere. An outstanding among others is her roaring ability. A lion’s community is known as pride; which can cover territory several […]

It’s becoming very alarming the rate at which our current generation has descended so low in morality, respect for elders and the anointed ones. Persons who are influenced by miscreants, deranged persons and the social media urchins have jumped into the bandwagon of mocking spiritual elders and fathers, with such […]