Reverend Fola Achudume was also a prolific author of over 12 books. In this review, I will focus on just one:
-The Strong Force for Change
This book is reflective of the productive life and thought of a creative author who was a courageous, determined and thoroughbred minister of the gospel. She writes from the hindsight of someone who has overcome adversities and challenges of life; leaving behind her indelible marks on the world. Her story encapsulates resilience, vision and the power of standing up for one’s belief, and laying a foundation for more courageous women to build in the society.
In her book Woman of Influence – The Strong Force for Change she opines that life is about influence, impact and making a demonstration of power by truly living and not merely existing”. She is of the opinion that as a woman it is possible to leave beyond worldly expectations through the scriptures. She believes that if a woman could birth the one who saved the world; then woman have a greater role to play in the maintenance of the world.
One of the ways she emphasis this is to influence. Influence according to her is not necessarily quantified in monitory terms but the effects and impact of one’s like on another person. Dorcas was remembered for her good works among the brethren as portrayed in the book of Act 19: 36 “Now there was at Joppa a disciple (a woman) named it in (Aramaic) Tabitha, which in (Greek) means Dorcas. She was abounding in good deeds and act of charity” (AMPC).
Her positive influence made her brethren refuse to accept her death. Fola also shows another character; the widow of Zarephath recorded in 1 Kings 17. She sacrificed her last meat that was meant for herself and her son and gave it to prophet Elijah in time of famine.
The sacrifices of those women earned them honour of being remembered both in the Bible and the present world. Fola concludes chapter one thus, “you will only be remembered for the sweetness you brought to the world or light you beam in the dark world”. You have choice to allow your light to shine or for you to be covered.
Chapter two captures influence as the capacity to have an effect on the character, development or behaviour of someone or something. She puts that life of Influence is created by one with a mind to build Prov14:7. Every wise woman builds. “Every woman has been given a unique and peculiar gifting that will make us a voice in the world. No woman came as an afterthought, you are a master piece, created to give God and humanity joy”. Our first responsibility is to locate our giftings, acknowledge it, appreciate it and be able to use it. It is in the identification, acknowledgement, appreciation and use that legacy and influence is made.
Fola buttresses that despising one’s gifting makes you irrelevant in life. Your gifts and strengths are what gives you voice. A woman is God’s assets and by that you are an advantaged specie, not endangered. Some said that life begins at 40 but she believes ‘ life begins when you know your mission here on earth”. In her opinion, Vashti did not locate her mission, that is why she was replaced Esther 1:19.
Chapter five focuses on ‘this one thing.” Fola says that influence is not about doing the big things but locating those small steps that makes a difference. The journey of a thousand miles begins in a day with a step.”To be good is a vital attitude for service but it is much better to first graced with spirit of understanding to understand what you are assigned to do”.
This is portrayed in the life of two sisters Mary and Martha born from the same parents but with different assignments were identified in Luke 10: 38-42. Martha, the elder sister was busy serving guests while the younger sister Mary chose to sit at Jesus feet learning words from life dynamics.
Therefore, winning in life is not based on the weapon of way but strategies. The strategies revealed in His presence release grace of dominance. It is the place of dominance that Influence is made.
Chapter six centers on time: Everything about life resonates with time Ecc 3:1-3. A woman of Influence is a woman who understands the power of time and uses it well. The woman of Shunem took advantage of time. She was strategic and time yielded a result for her 2 kings 4:8-10 The great woman of Shunem did not only perceive, she was also persuasive. She constrained Elisha. She recognized it as a moment that must not be lost. Today, many great doors of influence have been shut, out of insensitivity to time. The management of time is the management of life.
The writer enunciates on the seven pillars of influence in chapter seven, as Power of commitment to a course, Power of organization:, Power of excitement, Power of Collaboration, The power of persuasion, The power of direction and the Power of intentional living.. She says that wisdom is a key for management of time Prov 9: I -6. She further explains the seven pillars of influence as highlighted in this scripture.
She mentions the five levels of vibrancy that birth freshness and a life of influence as: Spiritual vibrancy, Mental vibrancy, Pressure vibrancy, Relationship vibrancy and Financial vibrancy.
Finally, she encourages woman to make herself an asset, a giver of joy, a helper to the helpless, a restorer of hope and a builder of bridges.