Stories by Eme Arthur – Oso Scars, those indelible marks or imprints etched upon our skin, often carry a negative connotation. We may view them as reminders of pain and suffering as blemishes, imperfections that mar our physical appearance. Every scar tells a story, a narrative of a challenge faced […]
Month: December 2024
One of the acclaimed ambassadors of Nigeria proudly from Akwa Ibom State is Pastor Aity Dennis. She is a co-pastor with Sure Word Assembly, Lagos and multiple award-winning gospel music minister of high repute. It’s to the glory of God that she has made strong marks the world over with […]
Establishing Christ’s Kingdom System of Governance on Earth; A Viable Alternative To Democracy This is certainly not talking about the millennial reign of Christ on earth, this is rather the Christ kingdom’s system of ruling in the present world affairs where kingdom principles are consciously implemented in all spheres of […]
Dreaming isn’t a problem for many but the promptness of actions that deploys energies towards crystalizing your dream. There has been many book titles with screaming headlines urging people to dream big. If dreaming big is synonymous to making it big in whatever field of endeavour one panders to, then […]
Reverend Fola Achudume was also a prolific author of over 12 books. In this review, I will focus on just one: WOMAN OF INFLUENCE-The Strong Force for Change This book is reflective of the productive life and thought of a creative author who was a courageous, determined and thoroughbred minister […]
A WOMAN OF FAITH AND SUBSTANCE Dr. Mrs. Martha Udom Emmanuel is a true blend of faith and substance. The name Martha reminds us of that godly woman who exceeded expectations in her passion to please her Master, Lord Jesus, by ensuring lunch was ready and served in good time. […]
“Bamidele, who has always attended major programmes of VLBC and was usually received by RFA, would not fail each time in her remarks to acknowledge the infectious fire of revival the late reverend represented in the body of Christ…” One of the top public officers who will miss Reverend Folake […]
The voice of a father is the voice of wisdom, direction and influence. Rev. Dr. Felix Omobude is the Spiritual father to Apostle Lawrence, Reverend Fola Achudume and VLBC family. He is the founder of New Covenant Church in Benin City and a strong voice in the leadership of the […]
FMC 6.0 tagged EVOLVE records large turnout of female ministers across the globe. “EVOLVE expects you to change form by growth, by constant development. To achieve this was the dream of Folake Achudume. She was very audacious in dreaming.” November 11, 2024 will remain a remarkable day in the archives […]
SAYS, “SOMETIMES WE ARGUED IN THE CAR LIKE HUSBAND AND WIFE” Life sometimes is like a comic relief. Every good-hearted person has his or her moment of comedy relief, where laughter replaces forlornness, and softly eases out anxiety. A slogan has it that, “Where there’s laughter, there’s hope” and “Comic […]